
What's is Kyrv?

Revolutionizing Digital Trading with Cryptocurrencies!

Introduction and Overview

Kyrv.live is an innovative platform redefining digital trading through the use of cryptocurrencies. Our marketplace allows the buying and selling of digital products such as audio files, eBooks, photos, PDFs, software, and more, providing an efficient and secure trading experience. Additionally, our platform offers the opportunity to trade services, websites, social media pages, and participate in auctions, with all transactions conducted in cryptocurrencies and quoted in real-time in dollars.

Kyrv.live envisions creating a digital ecosystem where transparency, security, and accessibility are paramount, enabling all users to participate in a truly decentralized market. Our mission is to revolutionize the digital marketplace, eliminating traditional barriers and providing an environment where anyone can thrive through the trade of digital goods.

With an engaged community and an innovative rewards system, Kyrv.live is not just a trading platform but a trusted social network where every user is encouraged to contribute and benefit. By integrating blockchain technology, we ensure all transactions are secure and transparent, setting a new standard for digital commerce.

Problem Description

In the current digital commerce landscape, various challenges and gaps hinder the maximization of the potential of trading platforms. These problems affect both sellers and buyers, creating an environment where trust is limited, and efficiency is compromised. Some of the main issues identified include:

  1. Lack of Transparency: Many digital commerce platforms operate with little transparency, making it difficult for users to verify the authenticity of transactions and the integrity of sellers. This can lead to fraud, fraudulent transactions, and a negative user experience.

  2. High Transaction Fees: Traditional platforms often charge high transaction fees, which can be discouraging for both sellers and buyers. These fees reduce the profit margins for sellers and increase costs for buyers, making digital commerce less attractive.

  3. Limited Liquidity: The lack of liquidity on many digital platforms prevents users from easily buying and selling products. Without adequate liquidity, users may face difficulties in converting their digital assets into cash or other cryptocurrencies quickly and efficiently.

  4. Barriers to Entry: The complexity associated with setting up and operating a digital store can be a significant obstacle for new sellers. Additionally, technical requirements and regulatory compliance can be challenging for those wishing to enter the digital market.

  5. Lack of Incentives for Participation: Many platforms do not offer sufficient incentives for users to actively participate and contribute to the community. Without adequate rewards, user engagement can be low, resulting in a less vibrant and active community.

  6. Security and Privacy: Protecting user data and ensuring transaction security are critical concerns. Platforms that fail to guarantee an adequate level of security may face significant trust issues and suffer from data breaches.

By identifying and addressing these issues, Kyrv.live aims to create a platform that not only solves these problems but also raises the standard of digital commerce, providing a more transparent, efficient, and secure experience for all users.

Proposed Solution

Kyrv.live is designed to directly address the challenges and gaps present in current digital commerce by offering innovative solutions that transform the experience of buying and selling digital products. Below are the detailed solutions Kyrv.live proposes for each identified problem:

  1. Total Transparency through Blockchain: Kyrv.live utilizes blockchain technology to ensure transparency in all transactions. With blockchain, all transactions are immutably and publicly recorded, allowing users to verify the authenticity of transactions and the integrity of sellers. This significantly reduces the risk of fraud and increases trust among users.

  2. Reduced Transaction Fees and Fair Fee Structure: The Kyrv.live platform charges a competitive fee of 12% on each sale, a percentage that is transparent and considerably lower than many traditional platforms. Additionally, a portion of this fee (6%) is reinvested into the liquidity of the KYRV token, benefiting the entire community and providing greater economic stability.

  3. Adequate and Stable Liquidity: To address the issue of limited liquidity, 40% of the funds raised during the pre-sale of KYRV tokens will be allocated to liquidity injection. This ensures sufficient capital to support market transactions, allowing users to buy and sell tokens quickly and efficiently. Additionally, 6% of all sales transactions and 1.5% of withdrawal fees will be reinvested monthly as additional liquidity.

  4. Ease of Use and Accessibility: Kyrv.live is designed with an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for new sellers to set up their digital stores. The platform also offers full support for various popular cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, TUSDT, Ethereum, BNB, BUSD, and more), facilitating new user entry and promoting digital inclusion.

  5. Rewards and Incentives for Active Participation: Kyrv.live encourages active user participation through a rewards system with KYVS Points, which can be converted into KYRV tokens. Users are rewarded for activities such as registration, purchases, product reviews, and more. This incentive system not only increases engagement but also contributes to a vibrant and active community.

  6. Robust Security and Privacy: User data and transaction security are top priorities for Kyrv.live. The platform implements advanced security measures such as two-factor authentication (2FA), end-to-end encryption, and secure data storage. This ensures that all users’ personal and financial information is protected against unauthorized access and data breaches.

  7. Sustainable Business Model: Kyrv.live adopts a business model that is not only profitable but also benefits its users. The platform retains a small percentage of transactions and withdrawals and reinvests a significant portion of these funds into the liquidity of the KYRV token. This creates a virtuous cycle of growth and economic stability.

By comprehensively and innovatively addressing these problems, Kyrv.live is positioned to become a leading platform in digital commerce, offering a more transparent, efficient, and secure experience for all its users.

Business Model

The business model of Kyrv.live is designed to be sustainable, transparent, and beneficial for both the platform and its users. Below is a detailed analysis of how the platform generates revenue, the operational costs involved, and the potential future revenue streams.

Revenue Generation:

Kyrv.live generates revenue primarily through the following sources:

  1. Transaction Fees:

    • The platform charges a 12% fee on each sale made. For example, in a $100 transaction, the seller receives $88, while $12 is retained by Kyrv.live. Of these $12, portions are allocated to various funds such as liquidity and operations.

  2. Withdrawal Fees:

    • Each withdrawal of funds by sellers is subject to a 3% fee. This fee helps cover operational costs and inject liquidity into the system.

  3. Token Pre-Sales:

    • During the pre-sale of KYRV tokens, participants buy tokens at special prices. The funds raised are used for development, marketing, and liquidity injection.

Operational Costs:

To maintain efficient platform operations and offer high-quality services, Kyrv.live incurs several operational costs, including:

  1. Platform Development and Maintenance:

    • This includes software development costs, technological infrastructure maintenance, server hosting, and continuous platform updates.

  2. Security and Compliance:

    • Costs associated with implementing robust security measures, such as two-factor authentication (2FA), encryption, and compliance with data protection regulations.

  3. Marketing and User Acquisition:

    • Investments in digital marketing campaigns, influencer partnerships, and other strategies to attract new users and sellers to the platform.

  4. Customer Support:

    • Maintaining a customer support team to assist users with queries and issues, ensuring a positive user experience.

  5. User Rewards:

    • Allocation of KYRV tokens to reward active user participation, encouraging the creation of an engaged community.

Future Revenue Streams:

Kyrv.live has several opportunities to expand its revenue streams in the future, including:

  1. User Base Expansion:

    • As more users and sellers join the platform, the volume of transactions increases, resulting in higher revenues from transaction and withdrawal fees.

  2. New Products and Services:

    • Introduction of new digital products and services that can be bought and sold on the platform, broadening revenue sources.

  3. Strategic Partnerships:

    • Establishing partnerships with other platforms, technology companies, and service providers to offer additional services and enhance user experience.

  4. Premium Features:

    • Implementation of premium features that users can access for a fee, such as featured promotions, advanced analytics, and marketing tools.

  5. Affiliate Programs:

    • Creating affiliate programs that incentivize users and influencers to promote the platform in exchange for commissions on generated sales.

Financial Sustainability:

Kyrv.live adopts a business model that balances revenue generation with reinvestment in the platform and community. Allocating part of the transaction fees to liquidity and rewards ensures the ecosystem remains healthy and attractive for users. Additionally, the platform is committed to adjusting its strategies based on user feedback and market conditions, ensuring long-term sustainability.

With this robust business model, Kyrv.live is well-positioned to grow and thrive in the dynamic digital marketplace, providing value to both the platform and its user community.

Marketing and User Acquisition Strategy

To ensure the success of Kyrv.live and attract a solid and engaged user base, we will implement a multifaceted marketing strategy that addresses various fronts of user acquisition and retention. The main strategies include:

Digital Marketing:

  1. Online Advertising:

    • We will invest in online advertising campaigns on major platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. These campaigns will be targeted to specific audiences based on interests, behaviors, and demographics to maximize effectiveness.

  2. SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

    • We will implement SEO practices to ensure Kyrv.live is easily found on search engines. This includes content optimization, relevant keywords, high-quality backlinks, and technical improvements to the site.

  3. Content Marketing:

    • We will create and distribute valuable and relevant content such as blogs, articles, videos, and infographics that educate and engage our users. This content will be shared on our website, social media, and other relevant platforms.

Strategic Partnerships:

  1. Influencers and Affiliates:

    • We will collaborate with influencers and affiliates in the cryptocurrency and digital commerce sectors to promote Kyrv.live. These partners will help increase the platform’s visibility and attract new users through recommendations and promotions.

  2. Corporate Partnerships:

    • We will establish partnerships with complementary companies and platforms that can add value to our offering. This may include integrations with digital wallets, payment service providers, and other technological solutions.

Incentive and Rewards Programs:

  1. Sign-Up Rewards:

    • We will offer incentives, such as KYVS Points, to new users who register on the platform. This will encourage more people to sign up and start using Kyrv.live.

  2. Activity Rewards:

    • Users will be rewarded for activities such as purchases, product reviews, and community engagement. These rewards help keep users active and motivated to continue using the platform.

  3. Loyalty Programs:

    • We will implement loyalty programs that reward frequent users and high-performing sellers, encouraging long-term retention.

Events and Webinars:

  1. Industry Event Participation:

    • Kyrv.live will participate in conferences, fairs, and events in the cryptocurrency and digital commerce sectors to increase visibility and establish valuable contacts.

  2. Webinars and Workshops:

    • We will organize online webinars and workshops to educate users about the platform, features, and best practices for digital trading. These events will help build trust and showcase Kyrv.live’s expertise.

Social Media and Community:

  1. Social Media Engagement:

    • We will maintain an active presence on major social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. We will post regular content, interact with users, and respond to questions to build an engaged community.

  2. Community Building:

    • We will foster a vibrant community within the platform where users can connect, share experiences, and help each other. Tools like the Social Feed and Direct Chat will facilitate these interactions.

Launch and Pre-Sale Campaigns:

  1. Pre-Sale Campaign:

    • Before the official launch, we will conduct a pre-sale campaign for KYRV tokens to generate interest and secure an initial base of investors. We will offer tokens at special prices during the pre-sale to encourage participation.

  2. Official Launch:

    • We will plan an official launch event with promotional activities, partnership announcements, and other initiatives to generate buzz and attract users to the platform.

Continuous Feedback and Improvement:

  1. User Research and Feedback:

    • We will regularly collect feedback from users to understand their needs and continuously improve the platform. We will implement improvements based on feedback to ensure an excellent user experience.

  2. Data Analysis:

    • We will use data analytics to monitor user behavior, identify trends, and adjust our marketing strategies as needed.

With these comprehensive marketing and user acquisition strategies, Kyrv.live is well-positioned to attract a diverse and engaged user base, driving growth and success in the digital marketplace.

Timeline and Roadmap

Kyrv.live is already live and operating in its MVP (Minimum Viable Product) version, offering a fully functional platform for trading digital products. Below, we present a detailed timeline of planned activities for the continued development and release of new platform features, along with a roadmap highlighting key milestones and objectives to be achieved in each project phase.

Phase 1: MVP and Initial Launch (Q1 2024 – Q2 2024)

Q1 2024:

  • Launch of the MVP version of Kyrv.live with basic functionalities for buying and selling digital products.
  • Implementation of the user registration and profile creation system.
  • Initial integration of cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, TUSDT, Ethereum, BNB, BUSD).
  • Launch of the rewards system with KYVS Points.
  • Launch of Social Feed and Direct Chat for user interactions.

Q2 2024:

  • Start of the pre-sale campaign for KYRV tokens.
  • Promotion of the platform through digital marketing campaigns and influencer partnerships.
  • Collection of feedback from early users for initial improvements.

Phase 2: Feature Expansion and Marketing (Q3 2024 – Q4 2024)

Q3 2024:

  • Implementation of additional features for sellers, such as sales analytics tools and inventory management.
  • Expansion of support for more cryptocurrencies.
  • Launch of large-scale digital marketing campaigns.
  • Conducting webinars and workshops to educate users and promote the platform.

Q4 2024:

  • Completion of the KYRV token pre-sale and start of public listing.
  • Injection of 40% of the funds raised in the pre-sale as liquidity.
  • Introduction of loyalty programs and additional rewards for frequent users and high-performing sellers.
  • Participation in industry events and conferences to increase visibility.

Phase 3: Innovation and Sustainable Growth (Q1 2025 – Q2 2025)

Q1 2025:

  • Introduction of premium features, such as featured promotions and advanced marketing tools for sellers.
  • Establishment of new strategic partnerships with complementary companies and platforms.
  • Continued collection of user feedback and implementation of continuous improvements.

Q2 2025:

  • Launch of new digital products and services available for trading on the platform.
  • International expansion of the platform to attract users from different geographical regions.
  • Implementation of security and regulatory compliance improvements.

Phase 4: Maturity and Diversification (Q3 2025 – Q4 2025)

Q3 2025:

  • Introduction of auction functionalities and direct sales between users.
  • Expansion of payment options and integration with new digital wallets.
  • Development of a mobile application to facilitate platform access and use.

Q4 2025:

  • Evaluation of platform performance and adjustment of marketing and user acquisition strategies.
  • Continuous reinvestment in platform liquidity and security.
  • Preparation for the launch of new functionalities planned for the next year.

Key Milestones Roadmap

  • MVP Launch: Q1 2024
  • KYRV Token Pre-Sale Campaign: Q2 2024
  • Public Listing of KYRV Tokens: Q4 2024
  • Introduction of Premium Features: Q1 2025
  • International Expansion: Q2 2025
  • Mobile Application Launch: Q3 2025

With this detailed timeline and roadmap, Kyrv.live is well-positioned to continue its growth and evolution, offering a robust and innovative platform for trading digital products. Through continuous development and a strong marketing strategy, Kyrv.live aims to provide an exceptional experience for all its users.

Risks and Challenges

While Kyrv.live is well-positioned to revolutionize the digital commerce market with cryptocurrencies, several risks and challenges are associated with the project. Identifying and planning mitigation strategies for these risks is crucial for the platform’s ongoing success. Below, we list the main risks and challenges along with the corresponding mitigation strategies:

Cybersecurity Risk:

Description: The security of user data and transactions is a critical concern. Cyberattacks, such as hacking, phishing, and malware, can compromise the platform’s integrity.
Mitigation: Implement robust security measures such as two-factor authentication (2FA), end-to-end encryption, regular security audits, and continuous threat monitoring. Additionally, Kyrv.live will work with cybersecurity experts to ensure all vulnerabilities are promptly identified and addressed.

Regulatory Risk:

Description: Compliance with government and regulatory requirements can be challenging, especially in different jurisdictions. Changes in laws and regulations can affect the platform’s operation.
Mitigation: Maintain a dedicated regulatory compliance team to monitor and ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Ongoing consultation with lawyers specializing in cryptocurrencies and digital commerce to anticipate and respond to regulatory changes.

Cryptocurrency Market Volatility:

Description: The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile, with significant fluctuations in the prices of digital assets. This volatility can impact the financial stability of the platform and user confidence.
Mitigation: Diversify the platform’s assets and maintain emergency reserves to handle market fluctuations. Continuously educate users about the risks associated with investing in cryptocurrencies and promote responsible investment practices.

User Adoption and Retention:

Description: The ability to attract and retain users is crucial for the platform’s success. Lack of adoption or high churn rates can negatively impact the project’s growth and sustainability.
Mitigation: Implement effective marketing strategies to attract new users and reward programs to encourage retention. Continuously collect user feedback to improve the platform experience and meet community needs.

Technological Risks:

Description: Technical issues, system failures, or platform outages can impact the operation and reliability of Kyrv.live.
Mitigation: Invest in robust and scalable technological infrastructure, conduct rigorous software testing, and maintain a business continuity plan to minimize the impact of any disruptions.


Description: The digital commerce and cryptocurrency market is highly competitive, with many platforms offering similar services. Differentiating Kyrv.live from its competitors is essential to attract and retain users.
Mitigation: Focus on continuous innovation and development of new features that add unique value to the platform. Strengthen strategic partnerships and increase brand visibility through effective marketing campaigns.

Financial Risks:

Description: Efficiently managing financial resources is crucial to ensuring Kyrv.live’s long-term sustainability. Financial issues can arise from poor management, lack of funding, or non-strategic investments.
Mitigation: Maintain rigorous and transparent financial management with regular financial audits. Diversify revenue sources and seek strategic investments to strengthen the platform’s financial foundation.

By identifying these risks and challenges and implementing effective mitigation strategies, Kyrv.live is committed to creating a secure, reliable, and sustainable platform for all its users. Anticipating and proactively managing risks are fundamental to the ongoing success and growth of Kyrv.live in the dynamic cryptocurrency and digital commerce market.

Kyrv.live is an innovative platform transforming digital commerce by providing a fast, secure, and efficient experience for buying and selling digital products. Our mission is to create an ecosystem where token appreciation and capital reinvestment benefit all users, ensuring stability and continuous growth.

By identifying and solving issues such as lack of transparency, high transaction fees, and barriers to entry, Kyrv.live offers a robust and practical solution for the digital market. Our sustainable business model and comprehensive marketing strategy position us as leaders in the digital commerce revolution.

Join the pre-sale of KYRV tokens and seize the unique opportunity to get involved with a promising project from the start. The pre-sale offers tokens at a special price, allowing you to secure your initial participation and contribute to the currency’s appreciation.

By purchasing KYRV tokens in the pre-sale, you are investing in a platform that continuously reinvests in the growth and stability of its ecosystem. This not only strengthens Kyrv.live’s financial foundation but also provides a conducive environment for efficient transactions and token appreciation.


Kyrv Tokens

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Kyrv Tokens

The Development Reserve fund is allocated to fuel the continuous growth and enhancement of our platform. This fund is dedicated to financing the research, development, and implementation of new features, improvements, and innovations to ensure that Kyrv.live remains at the forefront of the digital marketplace industry. It serves as a vital resource for expanding our capabilities, enhancing user experience, and addressing emerging market trends, ultimately driving sustainable long-term growth and success.

Kyrv Tokens
The Team and Consultants fund is crucial for sustaining our talented workforce and collaborating with expert advisors. This fund supports the recruitment, training, and retention of skilled professionals who drive the development and operation of Kyrv.live. Additionally, it facilitates partnerships with external consultants and advisors who provide specialized expertise and guidance in key areas such as technology, finance, and marketing. By investing in our team and engaging with experienced consultants, we ensure the strength, resilience, and continued success of our platform.
Kyrv Tokens
The Internal Rewards fund is dedicated to recognizing and incentivizing active participation within the Kyrv.live community. This fund is used to reward users for various actions and contributions, such as registering on the platform, making purchases, selling products, and engaging with other users. By offering internal rewards, we foster a vibrant and engaged community, encourage continued interaction and participation, and ultimately create a more rewarding experience for all users.
Kyrv Tokens
The Public Listing fund comprises 40% of our resources and is allocated towards the process of listing Kyrv Coin on public exchanges. This fund facilitates the necessary steps involved in securing listings on major cryptocurrency exchanges, enhancing accessibility and liquidity for our token. By listing on public exchanges, we aim to increase visibility, reach a broader audience of investors and traders, and ultimately strengthen the value and utility of Kyrv Coin in the cryptocurrency market.

12% of all tokens dedicated to public listing will be used to realize our pre-sale.

Read more, click here.

Kyrv Tokens

The Marketing fund, constituting 10% of our resources, is dedicated to promoting Kyrv.live and Kyrv Coin to a wider audience. This fund supports various marketing initiatives aimed at raising awareness, attracting new users, and driving engagement on our platform. Strategies may include digital advertising, social media campaigns, influencer partnerships, and other promotional activities designed to showcase the benefits and features of Kyrv.live. By investing in marketing efforts, we aim to accelerate growth, increase user adoption, and solidify our position in the digital marketplace ecosystem. 

1% of all tokens dedicated to marketing will be used to realize our airdrop.

Click here to participe!

The airdrop will be distribuid 07/06/2024.

Kyrv Tokens

The Partnerships fund, comprising 3% of our resources, is allocated to forging strategic collaborations and alliances with key industry players. This fund supports the establishment of mutually beneficial partnerships with businesses, organizations, and platforms that complement our offerings and expand our reach. By fostering strategic partnerships, we aim to unlock new opportunities, access additional resources, and enhance the value proposition of Kyrv.live for our users.

Kyrv Tokens
The Emergency Reserve, representing 5% of our resources, serves as a safeguard against unforeseen challenges or contingencies. This fund is set aside to address unexpected expenses, market fluctuations, or emergencies that may arise during the operation of Kyrv.live. By maintaining an Emergency Reserve, we ensure the stability and continuity of our platform, providing reassurance to our users and stakeholders in times of uncertainty. This reserve underscores our commitment to responsible financial management and risk mitigation, reinforcing the resilience of Kyrv.live in the face of adversity.
Kyrv Tokens
Kyrv.live is excited to introduce the 5% Floating Fund, a groundbreaking initiative that puts the power of decision-making directly into the hands of our community members. Starting from June 28, 2028, users will have the opportunity to actively participate in shaping the allocation of this fund through public polls.

Beginning with June 2028, 0.5% of the Floating Fund will be made available for community voting. This means that every three months, users can collectively decide on how a portion of these funds should be utilized, collaborating with the Kyrv team to steer the direction of our platform.


This pre-sale offers a unique opportunity for investors and enthusiasts to get involved from the outset with a currency that is redefining the possibilities of the crypto market.

During the pre-sale, participants will have access to a limited supply of Kyrv Tokens at a special price. By purchasing Kyrv Tokens in advance, investors secure their initial stake in a currency that is destined to become a disruptive force in the world of cryptocurrencies.

Moreover, 40% of the funds raised during the pre-sale will be allocated to liquidity injection, ensuring that Kyrv Token has a solid foundation from its inception. This will provide stability and accessibility to the currency, creating an environment conducive to swift and efficient transactions.

There are 15,840,000 tokens reserved for pre-sale, in 3 batches of 5,280,000 tokens.

The pre-sale takes place until 11/04/2024, if the lots close before this period, the public listing and the injection of liquidity into the Kyrv Token will be carried out 7 days after the pre-sale closes. All fees on sales and withdrawals from sellers on the site will be accumulated until the end of the pre-sale, to be used as a liquidity injection along with the 40% pre-sale reserve.


At Kyrv.live, we are committed to ensuring the continuous and transparent liquidity of Kyrv Coin, both during and after the pre-sale. To achieve this goal, we have implemented a robust liquidity injection system that promotes the stability and reliability of the currency.

After the pre-sale, 6% of all sales transactions made on the Kyrv platform will be directed towards the liquidity reserve. This means that a portion of each sale transaction will contribute to strengthening the financial foundation of the currency, ensuring that there is always capital available to meet market demand.

Additionally, 1.5% of the withdrawal fee from sales made on the Kyrv platform will be allocated to monthly liquidity injection. This practice ensures that a portion of the funds withdrawn from the platform is reinvested in the liquidity of Kyrv Coin, promoting a healthy balance between supply and demand.

With these measures, we are building a solid and sustainable financial ecosystem where Kyrv Coin can thrive and grow alongside our community. As we continue to redefine the standards of digital commerce, one transaction at a time, we also look forward to future updates and enhancements to our platform.

In the future, with new updates, additional features will emerge on the platform, such as an affiliate system. Through these new features and mechanisms, more fees can be collected and reinvested. This continuous reinvestment will further bolster the liquidity and stability of Kyrv Coin, ensuring long-term growth and prosperity for our community.

Join us on this exciting journey as we create a dynamic and thriving digital marketplace, driven by innovation and sustained by robust financial mechanisms. Together, we can shape the future of digital commerce.


Earn KYVS Points and Exchange for KYRV Tokens ($KVY)

Get rewarded for engaging with our platform! With KYVS Points, you can convert your site activity into KYRV Tokens ($KVY) and transfer them to your wallet on the Binance Smart Chain. The minimum withdrawal is 100 KYRVS TOKENS. The more involved you are, the more tokens you can earn. Start accumulating your points now!

Rewards for Users:

👤 Register on the website: 100 KYVS (one-time)
🔑 First daily login: 10 KYVS (once per day)
🖼️ Change profile picture: 1 KYV (limited to 1 reward per month)
🌟 Change cover photo: 1 KYV (limited to 1 reward per month)
🛒 Visit the product marketplace: 10 KYVS (once per day)
🌐 Visit Explore: 10 KYVS (once per day)
💳 Purchase a product: 100 KYVS (unlimited)
📝 Review a purchased product: 10 KYVS (unlimited)

Rewards for Sellers:

📦 For Sales:

  • 100 KYVS for receiving a sale (unlimited)
  • 10 KYVS upon receiving a review (unlimited)

Rewards for Achieving Rank:

🏅 Rank 1 (10 sales): 1,000 KYVS + 50 Kyrv Tokens

🥈 Rank 2 (30 sales): 2,000 KYVS + Trust Store Seal + 100 Kyrv Tokens

💎 Rank 3 (50 sales): 3,000 KYVS + Diamond Store Badge + 150 Kyrv Tokens

Note: These values are subject to change based on the circulating supply of KYRV Tokens in the market. The table will be adjusted once the first Rank 3 seller is reached to level the market difficulty.

Our site is in its MVP 1.0 version (Minimum Viable Product), and with your help, we can and hope to develop something much better! We have great ideas for implementation and project evolution, but we have used all our resources to get to this result presented.

Kyrv.live and Kyrv Token represent more than just a digital marketplace and cryptocurrency – they embody a vision for a future where financial transactions are transparent, efficient, and accessible to all. With our innovative platform and community-driven approach, we are not only redefining the standards of digital commerce but also empowering individuals to take control of their financial destinies.

As we move forward, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey of growth, innovation, and empowerment. Whether you’re an investor, trader, content creator, or simply someone who believes in the power of technology to drive positive change, there’s a place for you in the Kyrv.live community.

Together, let’s build a future where financial opportunities are limitless, and where everyone has the chance to thrive. Join us today and be a part of the digital revolution with Kyrv.live and Kyrv Coin.

Thank you for your support, and we look forward to shaping the future together.

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